Pamäť psov býva často podceňovaná. Nikdy nezabúdajú – dôkazom je aj video adoptovaných psíkov.
Pam Corwinová nakupovala so svojím psom, keď sa ten rozbehol k inému psovi. Obaja sa správali tak, ako keby sa poznali celý život!
Pam sa začala rozprávať s majiteľmi druhého psíka a rýchlo odhalila pravdu!
O.M.G.!!!!I witnessed the coolest thing today! I was at my booth at Pike Place Market and two couples (who didn't know each other) were walking towards each other with identical dogs. Suddenly, the dogs ran towards each other and went totally crazy. I went over to watch because it was so adorable, and as I stood there soaking up the love, the couples figured out that the dogs are siblings and came over on the same plane to be adopted from Russia a year ago! The dogs recognized each other! They even had identifying tattoos that confirmed it. This joyful reunion went on for over a half an hour, in fact they were still at it when I left the market.(I heard the couples exchanging phone numbers, so now they can have play dates, which made me very happy)(p.s. The response to this video has been incredible! Thank you to everyone who has reached out, including reporters, tv stations, blogs, rescues, websites, etc. I was approached by a couple of licensing companies and just signed the licensing rights to the video over to one of them. (I tell ya, this has been crazy!) So for licensing inquiries please contact: I love how this story has touched so many people!)
Uverejnil používateľ Pam Corwin Sobota 10. februára 2018
Ukázalo sa, že psy adoptovali v Rusku a spoločne leteli lietadlom do USA. Na ušiach mali identické tetovanie, ktoré potvrdzovali ich pôvod.
Ukázalo sa, že sa jedná o bratov! Psíci sa teraz budú stretávať častejšie – ich majitelia si vymenili čísla!
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